A thoroughly Matilda inspired day when summer almost started to feel like summer. On Tuesday, I went to Lily's wearing my previously
thrifted 'Miss Honey' dress. 1,083 pictures (!) and this is all that ensued...

In the morning, I went to Borders. I read a bit of My Sister's Keeper and skimmed the discount bins (the cheapest holding books for a dollar a piece), but nothing seemed particularly worth buying and my mom had told me earlier to refrain myself anyway.

I was however thoroughly amused at how many magazines I saw that I did not know existed...Cat Fancy, Modern Dog, Rabbits USA? Who knew?
When we got to Lily's house, we were recruited to take Wink for a walk.
Lil had a staring contest with a tree on the way. She says she won, but I'm not so sure.
I thought it seemed very nice to go kayaking.

We found these shoes on the bridge. A couple of hours later when we were driving home from dinner, they were still sitting there getting soaked by the pouring rain.

This was before it melted all over my hands and down my arms. Still, it was delicious (albeit a little hard to handle.)

Thrifted (and immediately deemed the Miss Honey) dress, Payless shoes, Forever 21 sunglasses, & Forever 21 strawberry necklace.

Inspired by the
final scene in Matilda (about 7 minutes into the clip), we
hula-hooped it up. Lil actually used to be a bit of a champion.

Lily bidding farewell to her namesake.
Later that evening, we went to see my guitar teacher, JP, play. He writes a lot of his own songs, but at his gigs around here he can't really play his own stuff. Instead, he plays more Oasis, Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc. However, when he was in London with his girlfriend, he was getting lots of gigs and he got a better reaction to his own stuff than the covers of classic hits. If you're interested in hearing some of his songs, you can check him out
here. Go under audio to hear some samples of his work--'Free World' is one of my favorites.

Hope everyone is finding summer to feel like summer!
Have a lovely Thursday,