I've thought about it many times since then when I put on an oufit for no particular purpose except that I want to prance around in my yard feeling like the woods is a pathway to a party with my closest friends and the grass is merely a different shade of 'red carpet.' These photos were from one of those days.
Soprano dress, thrifted for a dollar white house black market shoes, borrowed earrings and ring from mom, Forever 21 headband, Children's Place jacket, TJMaxx tights

Then on my way back in, I thought I'd stop by and do some brick wall photos.

After I came back to reality, I got redressed to go see a town production of Footloose and eat at the local diner with Lily.
Then on my way back in, I thought I'd stop by and do some brick wall photos.
If you know me, you know I like to take a lot of pictures, many times of the same thing only with the slightest bit of difference in each. If you'll bear with me for the next three, tell me which you like the best!
After I came back to reality, I got redressed to go see a town production of Footloose and eat at the local diner with Lily.
It's pouring outside now. It wasn't when I started writing this, but now everything is about 6 notches darker and it's raining like crazy. I kind of have the urge to go outside and just lie in it. But then again considering I had to take a couple of advil this morning because of impending sickness, maybe just listening to it might be better. Well, today I plan to read books, read blogs, watch things, listen to things, clean my room (or you know, not), and then go to Lily's for dinner. After I'm going to sleep over at Bex's so I can dogsit Mr. Frodo. The family's in California for the weekend and left me behind with some delicious treats (i.e. apple pie, fruit salad, pistachio ice cream) for my stay over. I'm looking forward to it.
It's pouring outside now. It wasn't when I started writing this, but now everything is about 6 notches darker and it's raining like crazy. I kind of have the urge to go outside and just lie in it. But then again considering I had to take a couple of advil this morning because of impending sickness, maybe just listening to it might be better. Well, today I plan to read books, read blogs, watch things, listen to things, clean my room (or you know, not), and then go to Lily's for dinner. After I'm going to sleep over at Bex's so I can dogsit Mr. Frodo. The family's in California for the weekend and left me behind with some delicious treats (i.e. apple pie, fruit salad, pistachio ice cream) for my stay over. I'm looking forward to it.
Well, I'll see you all soon!