I'm ready for fall, in a lot of ways. I'm ready for actually needing a blanket at night and wanting to put on a pair of tights in the morning. I'm ready fo--but wait wait wait. (Yes, I'm cutting myself off mid written down sentence.) Sorry, but this post isn't about fall and all that I'm looking forward to (just yet at least.) This one's for summer and all that I'm going to miss. Like for example, the spontaneous sleepovers, waitressing on weekdays, movie theaters, spending too much money on train tickets and subway rides, visiting New York City (which I just did on Friday again by the way (a post will soon ensue),) turning on the ceiling fan and feeling sufficiently cooled off, going for late night swims, the fake sunshine that undoubtedly leads to dark skies and glorious thunderstorms, and having time. More specifically, I’m going to miss deciding to accept an invitation to go on a friend’s boat, having to meet in twenty minutes at a place that’s fifteen minutes away, borrowing a bathing suit, and then jumping in the ocean. (Segue alert!) Here is a glorious evening spent with
Sarah and Lily.
Side note: Jumping sunset silhouettes. Been done? Yes. Do I tire of them? Not at all.

I might be saying a premature goodbye to the season, but I’m feeling a little melancholy, content, exhausted, awake, overheated, chilly, smiley, half smiley (all at once.) And since I feel between seasons too, this post seemed about right.
Now, I’m off to read all that I need to on American history. But one last thing, I cannot express enough how happy your reading of this and all of your comments make me! I literally cannot click on my little email notification fast enough when I see I have one. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. And um I sort of kind of lied...I’m going to go catch up on all your beautiful blogs out there before retiring to my history reading…seriously, I can’t help myself; it’s been too long!)
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend,
where did you take these pictures/have such gorgeous adventures?
I will never get sick of sunset jumping pictures.
sunset pictures are my one true love...
i'm going to miss summer, but strangely, i think i'm READY for fall.
just you wait, in a month i'm going to be eating my words.
I'm looking forward to fall, too, but I must say these pictures made me a bit more excited about summer again. I totally adore the first 2 pictures. What perfect light!
These photos with the sunset are sheer genius!
x x x
oh my! These pictures are so lovely, makes me wanna go out in the sunset and try to replicate them:P
And no, I won't get tired of jumping silhouette sunset(I kinda like those words together) pictures because they are just beautiful!
I love these pictures they are sooo cool!!!!
Those pictures are entirely too gorgeous for their own good! O: Ah, how I wish that we had a pier around here to jump off of, but I guess for that you would need an ocean, since the rivers here are nasty :P
I don't know, I guess I am ready for fall, but not at the same time. I am ready for tights and leggings and the colors and the crisp smell and the holidays and all that, but I also am really going to miss summer. Although my summer hasn't been nearly awesome-sounding as yours, but still... I'm sure that I'll miss the most is waking up whenever I please :P
I dont really like summer. Cause we have it all year round. Ohwell. The grass is always greener on the other side eh? :D
love love LOVE those photos. Very cool!
really fascinating photos!
awesome photos!
Thank you for your sweet comment! These photos are so neat...I love the shadows against the sunset!
I adore jumping pictures and yours are wonderful, the silhouettes looks rlly fun :D
these photos are incredible!
and i feel the same way right now... i'm ready for it to be cooler, and for my fall wardrobe, but i'm going to seriously miss doing nothing all day and being lazy. hha.
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